
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

SunnyD Book Project

Dear Parents :

I am excited to tell you about a great program that can bring free books to our school. It’s called the SunnyD Book Spree, and the program will donate 20 books to every classroom that sends 20 SunnyD UPC labels. 

It would be fantastic if our school could benefit this year. Last year, SunnyD donated over 250,000 books to schools across America. Imagine every classroom getting 20 new books!

Save SunnyD UPC labels, and send them in to our classroom. I’ll collect and mail them to the program for our free books. Ask friends and family to collect labels too. 

You can get more information and a free Book Spree enrollment kit at It’s very simple to do. Thanks in advance for helping us make the classroom a brighter place for our kids!


Mr. Eck

Happy New Year!

It's going to be a great year! Or, It'll be something else. It's really all up to you. Here's one to grow on: "Failure to prepare is to prepare to fail!" - John Wooden -UCLA Coach


Be someone you would be PROUD to know! I hope we all want to be proud of our choices and proud of ourselves

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Attitudes are your's worth catching??? Let's all start each day on a positive note!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hi from Ms. Steph

Welcome back!! I hope you have come ready to learn and be an active participant!