Social Studies, Literature, and Writing classes combined for a very important cross-curricular unit to start out the school year. After reading numerous pieces of writing dealing with morals and character values, students discussed, debated, and created a meaningful Class Creed.
In Mr. Eck's social studies class, students studied the early history of our countries government. The Articles of Confederation were studied and the flaws of our countries first "constitution" were discussed. Understanding the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, students then learned how Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, John Adams, and other early leaders advocated for a second convention.
Mr. Cromley focused the language arts classes on readings that dealt with the importance of strong character values and a moral foundation. Students read ancient creeds like the Athenian Oath. They reviewed contemporary pieces like the Boy Scout Oath and The American Creed. Other popular pieces - "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten", "Law of the Jungle", and "Charge of the Light Brigade" - were compared to the normative system of the PATH Alternative Ed. program.
Ms. Steph introduced the Path of Life Model, discussing the values and healthy traits that are the foundation of the model. As part of the therapeutic group, traits of successful students were also discussed.
Using the knowledge and wisdom acquired in their studies, the students modelled our countries founding fathers and convened a student convention to discuss the creation of a student oath or creed. Mr. Cromley presented "The rules of discussions" and the students debated on what they felt needed to be included in their resolution. By the end of the week, a rough draft had been agreed upon. The students agreed to postpone ratification of the document to allow a time for reflection. If any parts needed to be changed, they would reconvene.